Wheeled Bin Spill Kits
Our wheelie bin spill kits are available in 60L, 120L and 240L variants.
These portable solutions are ideal for emergency liquid spills in warehouses, petrol stations, shopping centres and airports.
PVC spill kit covers can be added for extreme weather protection.

120L Wheeled Bin Standard Spill Kit

240L Wheeled Bin Standard Spill Kit
Floor Bunding
Floor Bunding is designed to contain spills within liquid storage and handling areas. We supply hydrocarbon and chemical resistant floor bunding to suit light to heavy duty industrial applications.

GPS Floating Oil Skimmers
- Made in Australia from quality materials – built to last
- Patented products – our products are unique
- Lightweight at 5kg for our 4000 l/pH range
- Poly models available to withstand caustic chemicals and high heat
- Concertina head – effective in rough water
- Large volume model available including trash guard
- All oil skimmers come assembled with flexible hoses